Support for the Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty DLC Modified profile behavior to prevent possible data loss. Only servers with v1.1.0 or above are showed in "Find games"

Includes Mechromancer for the pre-order versions! (SKIDROW) Allowed players to trade with each other when at maximum backpack capacity if they're trading the same number of items with each other. Fixed players who have lost access to their 3rd or 4th weapon slot erroneously. Fixed a bug that could cause challenges to re-complete all 5 tiers over and over again. Fixed a case where clients and servers would sometimes see different fast-travel stations available to them. The inventory screen will no longer jump to the top of the list when using a customization item. Fixed a case where shields that reduce the player's health were sometimes not showing how much health they reduce. Fixed a case where players were sometimes being sent back to the main menu after their online status changed when playing a LAN game. This fix prevents the bug and corrects the issue for any character hit by this bug.

Fixed a blocker in the "Do No Harm" quest. Fixed client players sometimes seeing fired bullets fly off in random directions. Fixed a rare crash in the launcher related to using a gamepad. Added "(undiscovered)" entries to the challenge log for challenges that the player has not yet found. Fixed a rare crash when trying to select a menu item with the keyboard after playing the game with a gamepad. Fixed mini-map fog-of-war sometimes not uncovering correctly when first loading a saved game as a client. Fixed the "has abandoned your struggle!" message sometimes appearing with no player name. Fixed co-op players sometimes spawning at different places after a level transition. Fixed players getting stuck in a white box when two people try to travel at once and one is in a vehicle. Fixed the favorite/trash icons in the inventory sometimes disappearing when scrolling the inventory list. Fixed the vendor UI sometimes showing a count of 1 less item in the player's backpack than is actually there. Fixed players losing ammo when reloading a savegame with max ammo and a stockpile relic equipped. Fixed some cases where the Logitech G19 screen would show incorrect information for the friends list. Fixed an issue regarding the "Ignore" feature in the mission log. Fixed issue regarding connectivity problems involving routers with restricted Firewall UDP settings. Fixed issue regarding pre-order incentives. Fixed issue with trading negative credit values. = Official notes | * = Unofficial notes